SCP Mod Wiki
JAVAW 2012-11-30 21-42-28-53

SCP-106 out of containment

SCP-106 appears to be an elderly humanoid, with a general appearance of advanced decomposition. This appearance may vary, but the “rotting” quality is observed in all forms. SCP-106 is not exceptionally agile, and will remain motionless for days at a time, waiting for prey. SCP-106 is also capable of scaling any vertical surface and can remain suspended upside down indefinitely. When attacking, SCP-106 will attempt to incapacitate prey by damaging major organs, muscle groups, or tendons, then pull disabled prey into its pocket dimension. SCP-106 appears to prefer human prey items in the 10-25 years of age bracket.

SCP-106 causes a “corrosion” effect in all solid matter it touches, engaging a physical breakdown in materials several seconds after contact. This is observed as rusting, rotting, and cracking of materials, and the creation of a black, mucus-like substance similar to the material coating SCP-106. This effect is particularly detrimental to living tissues, and is assumed to be a “pre-digestion” action. Corrosion continues for six hours after contact, after which the effect appears to “burn out”.

SCP-106 is capable of passing through solid matter, leaving behind a large patch of its corrosive mucus. SCP-106 is able to “vanish” inside solid matter, entering what is assumed to be a form of “pocket dimension”. SCP-106 is then able to exit this dimension from any point connected to the initial entry point (examples: “entering” the inner wall of a room, and “exiting” the outer wall. Entering a wall, and exiting from the ceiling). It is unknown if this is the point of origin for SCP-106, or a simple “lair” created by SCP-106.

Limited observation of this “pocket dimension” has shown it to be comprised mostly of halls and rooms, with [DATA EXPUNGED] entry. This activity can continue for days, with some subjected individuals being released for the express purpose of hunting, recapture, [DATA EXPUNGED].


  • SCP-106 is 2 blocks high. He can be contain in magnatized block and steel. SCP-106 can kill SCP-173 and is afraid of 682 and some other scp that are not that strong.

  • It sees the player through blocks and can walk through blocks.
  • It deals a large chunk of damage in a single hit and can instantly kill the player if he/she has no armor on.
  • He moves slightly slower than the player.
  • As of v1.2, SCP-106 now consists of a pocket dimension, where it "plays" with its victims. Sometimes, these activities can last for an extended period of time.
  • When taken to the Pocket Dimension, the player will have the slowness status and have Render Distance turned to Short.
  • It is almost impossible to contain him, as he will notice the player and start pursuing him. If, however, the Player lures SCP-106 into the center of his cell, and puts water blocks in each of the four corners of the room, 106 will be unable to escape due to the water constantly pushing at him.


No physical interaction with SCP-106 is allowed at any time. All physical interaction must be approved by no less than a two-thirds vote from O5-Command, and may only extend to testing situations. All staff (Research, Security, Class D, etc.) are to remain at least twenty meters away from the containment cell at all times, except for mandated maintenance and re-evaluation checks.

Containment cell must be held suspended in a secondary cell, the walls of which must be at least thirty meters distant from the outer walls of the first or “primary” cell. The secondary cell is to remain under total observation at all times, and be both illuminated and clear of any and all debris. Any items, movement, or non-normal activity noted within the secondary cell will result in a full site lock-down. Lock-down will be maintained until a “situation normal” dispatch is issued by Site Command.

Any corrosion observed on the primary cell, secondary cell, staff members, or other site locations within two hundred meters of SCP-106 are to be reported to Site Security immediately. Any objects or personnel lost to SCP-106 are to be deemed missing/KIA. No recovery attempts are to be made under any circumstances.

Note: SCP-106 does not have a “docile” state. Any reduction in activity or increased compliance from SCP-106 is to be deemed a luring tactic immediately preceding an aggressive action, and treated as such.

No physical interaction with SCP-106 is allowed at any time. All physical interaction must be approved by no less than a two-thirds vote from O5-Command, and may only extend to testing situations. All staff (Research, Security, Class D, etc.) are to remain at least thirty meters away from the containment cell at all times, except under direct order from Site Command.

SCP-106 is to be kept within a sealed container, comprised of sixteen layers of lead-lined steel, each separated by no less than 18cm of open space aside from minimal support struts. Said container is to be kept suspended by a “continuous current” system within a fluid medium. This medium is to be replaced in 48 hour cycles, and constantly monitored for any “corrosion” intrusion.

Any corrosion observed on any containment cell surfaces, staff members, or other site locations within two hundred meters of SCP-106 are to be reported to Site Security immediately. Any objects or personnel lost to SCP-106 are to be deemed missing/KIA. No recovery attempts are to be made under any circumstances.

SCP-106 does not have a “docile” state. Any reduction in activity or increased compliance from SCP-106 is to be deemed a luring tactic immediately preceding an aggressive action, and treated as such.

Note: Observation of SCP-106 has shown a slight “resistance” when passing through lead or other similar metals. The thickness of the material appears to make no difference. In addition, multiple layers of thin material appear to “slow” SCP-106, forcing it to enter and re-emerge multiple times. Fluids also appear to temporarily “confuse” SCP-106. Which means liquids make it very hard for him to get out


SCP-106's own video

JAVAW 2012-11-30 21-48-50-41

The inside of the containment chamber before Incident-[REDACTED]

Original Link[]

SCP-106 is written by Dr. Gears and the Foundation link is here.
